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Learn how That Popcorn Shack can help make your
organization a “shack” load of money!

No up-front costs
Customizable profits
No minimum orders

Perfect for school and all-star sports teams, volunteer and charity organizations, class trips, dance studios, 4-H, and boy/girl scouts!

Fill out our online intake form to get started!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How many popcorn flavors do you suggest we sell?

We ask that you select up to 6 flavors.

At what price do you recommend selling the popcorn?

We recommend selling the popcorn at $6.00 per 1 quart container.

How much will my organization profit?

Your organization will earn up to a 50% profit, based on the quantity of tubs sold. You can choose your own profit because you can charge more/less than our suggested sale prices.

Do you provide order forms?

Yes, we will customize our order form based on the flavors you choose to sell and email them directly to you to be printed as necessary.

Do I have to pre-pay for my order?

You will pay for your order at the time you submit your order forms.

Instead of using individual order forms, can I simply purchase a desired quantity and then sell it?

Yes. Some organizations choose to first purchase a large quantity of popcorn and then sell it at events.

How long will it take to fill our order?

We will have your order ready approximately two weeks from the day you submit all order forms and payment to us.

Where do we pick up the popcorn?

All orders can be picked up at 1112 Kenmore Ave. Buffalo, NY 14216.

How long will the popcorn stay fresh, unopened?

Unopened, our savory flavors last approximately one month. Sweet/Caramelized flavors last longer; we recommend eating them within two months. Keeping your popcorn in a cooler room, even the refrigerator, will extend the shelf life.